My Brother’s Haiku: Low Brow #2

darting and sweeping
lines perch, twittering about
the white of my page.

Written by Michael Wallick. Images rendered by big sleep AI. Curated by Mad Grad Dad.

Mintable Listing

untitled portrait

ipad pro 9.7, apple pencil, procreate, 2021

untitled portrait

ipad pro 9.7, apple pencil, procreate, 2021

Manic Episode 4: Idea #212

Follow-up from last time: I successfully did two, 10 minute HIIT workouts. Win!

In my last manic episode (E4), I wrote down this thought (about writing down thoughts):

“Blog Article Idea: Get it while it’s hot – Write down/record/dictate/video SOMEHOW capture what you can while manic, think of it as solar energy storage. The important thing about this is that you are in a place of very different perception right now, as compared to your un-elevated self. Record now. Evaluate later. Temper/review with others. Post/share publicly last.”

To consider this idea retrospectively, it’s a bit meta… I mean, I am doing exactly what I said. So, yes, this one is a keeper for a way to handle too many ideas when (not if) I have my next manic episode in the future.

Writing about the idea of writing down ideas seems rather redundantly redundant, so I think that’s all I have to say. More pressing projects call me.

BEFORE MY NEXT POST: I will revisit no less than five ideas from my monster E4 list and choose which of them I want to use to create posts.

I’ll let you know how it goes. See you next week!

get hA.I.ku

from a dream I woke
alone in an empty church.
alone with the ghosts.

Written and curated by Mad Grad Dad. Images rendered by big sleep AI.

My Brother’s Haiku: Low Brow #1

writing a haiku
can be likened to wringing
out a wet towel.

Written by Michael Wallick. Images rendered by big sleep AI. Curated by Mad Grad Dad.

Mintable Listing

untitled portrait

ipad pro 9.7, apple pencil, procreate, 2021

brainstorm in a bubble

big sleep AI, iPad 9.7, Apple Pencil, Procreate, 2021

doge coin

ipad pro 9.7, apple pencil, procreate, 2021