Stable Diffusion Project Alpha: Mechs n’ Dinos

I consider this to be my first legitimate Stable-Diffusion Automatic 1111 project, and I’m pretty proud of it. Not perfect, but mine.

Will edit later with all the workflow details… suffice to say, it took a lot of different Stable-Diffusion models patched together, along with python scripts to pull this off. Hope you enjoy!

Music Credit: 3-D Glasses by Fred V and Graphix

Emoji AI Stories #10: 🦄🌈🐩

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @mysticcshadow X OpenAI X Automatic1111

Initial prompt: Write a true crime podcast script, using the following emojis as inspiration, 🦄🌈🐩

Didn’t need to reprompt or shape too much from this one. It got the idea of it down very well 😂 remember, Enjoy! I did!

Podcast Title: Dark Discoveries

Episode 13: The Rainbow Ripper

[Opening music – “The House of the Rising Sun” by The Animals]

Host: Welcome to the Dark Discoveries podcast. I’m your host, and in this episode, we’ll be delving into a case that’s as colorful as it is dark. [Detective emoji]

[Music fades out]

Host: On a sunny day in June 2022, hikers stumbled upon a grisly scene in a remote forest. The body of a young woman was lying in a clearing, her hair dyed in rainbow colors and a unicorn tattoo on her left shoulder. [Unicorn and rainbow emoji]

[Transition music – “Eyes Without a Face” by Billy Idol]

Host: The victim was identified as 23-year-old Sarah Wilson, who had been reported missing two weeks earlier. She was a dog walker who had a reputation for being kind and caring towards her furry friends. [Dog emoji]

[Transition music – “Under the Milky Way” by The Church]

Host: As the investigation unfolded, detectives uncovered clues that pointed to a secret online community revolving around fantasy role-playing. Sarah’s online persona was that of a magical unicorn who went on adventures with her loyal poodle companion. [Unicorn, rainbow, and poodle emoji]

[Transition music – “Every Breath You Take” by The Police]

Host: However, the suspects in the case were anything but whimsical. As the police dug deeper, they discovered a disturbing connection between Sarah’s online world and her brutal murder. [Computer and knife emoji]

[Transition music – “Tubular Bells” by Mike Oldfield]

Host: The Rainbow Ripper, as the killer came to be known, was apprehended and put on trial. The details of his twisted obsession with unicorn and poodle figurines shocked the jury and the public alike. [Knife and broken heart emoji]

[Transition music – “Everybody Hurts” by R.E.M.]

Host: In the end, justice was served, but the memory of Sarah Wilson and the Rainbow Ripper lives on as a warning of the dangers that lurk behind the bright and colorful facade of the internet. [Police badge and caution sign emoji]

[Closing music – “In the Air Tonight” by Phil Collins]

Host: Thank you for joining us for this episode of Dark Discoveries. Tune in next time for more chilling true crime stories. [Magnifying glass emoji]

Emoji AI Stories #9: 🧗🏿‍♀️🎟️🎧

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @enoserwaax X OpenAI X Automatic1111

Write a 3-act adventurous and tragic Wagnerian Opera in the German language (with translations in English), that includes frequent dark-comedic asides, based on the following emojis: 🧗🏿‍♀️🎟️🎧

Some reprompting work for this one. Quite a bit. Working toward having the translation show up correctly took some tweaks, but we got there! Enjoy!

Elevation of Passion

Act 1 The protagonist of our tale, a brave and intrepid mountaineer 🧗🏿‍♀️, sets out on an expedition through the treacherous peaks of the Alps. She carries with her the precious tickets 🎟️ to the highly revered Richard Wagner Festival, and she dons her headphones 🎧 to listen to the enchanting music of the great composer. She climbs the mountains with great determination, but soon she gets caught in a fierce storm that rages with fury, cutting her off from the rest of the world.

Dark-comedic aside: As she tries to call for help on her phone, the mountaineer shakes her head in frustration. “Typical,” she thinks, “just when you need your phone the most, there’s no reception in the mountains.” She glances up at the sky, “Come on, weather gods, can’t you give me a break?”

She continues to fight her way through the tempestuous conditions, enduring the pounding rain and howling winds, all the while pressing on towards the Wagner Festival.

Act 2 After days of struggling through the storm, our mountaineer finally reaches her destination, the Richard Wagner Festival. She takes her seat in the audience, feeling both exhausted and exhilarated. As the music begins to play, she is swept up in the grandeur of the performance, but then disaster strikes: a large boulder tumbles down from the mountainside and strikes her, gravely wounding her.

Despite the pain, she musters the strength to stand up and continue to watch the performance, fueled by her passion for Wagner’s music. In the end, as the final note of the opera rings out, the mountaineer collapses on the stage.

Dark-comedic aside: Amidst the chaos of the moment, a man in the audience fumbles with his bag, attempting to retrieve something important. He grumbles under his breath, “Come on, zipper, don’t fail me now.” He tries to tug harder, but the bag doesn’t budge. “Just my luck,” he mutters.

Act 3 In the afterlife, the mountaineer reflects on her life and her passion for the mountains. She remembers the thrill of climbing and the beauty of the natural world around her. She is content, having lived the life she loved, despite the tragic end that befell her.

As she prepares for her final journey, she is joined by Wagner himself, who guides her towards the light.

Dark-comedic aside: As the two figures move towards the heavens, a technician struggles to activate the smoke machine for a dramatic effect. He bangs on the machine in frustration, “Come on, smoke machine, work with me here!” He sighs in resignation as the machine finally sputters to life. “Typical,” he mutters.

The ghostly mountaineer ascends towards the heavens with Wagner by her side. As they reach the summit, she looks back down towards the earthly realm she once knew. She remembers the challenges she faced and the beauty she encountered, and she feels at peace.

As they continue their ascent, the mountaineer and Wagner are greeted by the chorus of angels, who sing a hymn of reverence and adoration. The music is so beautiful that it brings tears to the mountaineer’s eyes.

Dark-comedic aside: As the angels sing, one of them sneezes loudly, interrupting the music. The other angels look at him in annoyance, and he apologizes sheepishly. “Typical,” he says, “just when you want to sing beautifully, your nose starts acting up.”

The mountaineer and Wagner continue to rise higher and higher, until they reach the pinnacle of the heavens. The mountaineer gazes out at the breathtaking view, and she feels a sense of awe and wonder that she has never felt before.

As the curtain falls on this tragic and beautiful tale, the audience is left with a sense of both sadness and awe. The music of Wagner lingers in the air, haunting and beautiful, a fitting tribute to a life lived with passion and courage.


German version:

Akt 1 Die Protagonistin unserer Geschichte, eine mutige und abenteuerlustige Bergsteigerin 🧗🏿‍♀️, begibt sich auf eine Expedition durch die gefährlichen Gipfel der Alpen. Sie hat die kostbaren Eintrittskarten 🎟️ zum hochgeschätzten Richard Wagner Festival bei sich und trägt ihre Kopfhörer 🎧, um die bezaubernde Musik des großen Komponisten zu hören. Sie klettert die Berge mit großer Entschlossenheit hinauf, aber schon bald gerät sie in einen heftigen Sturm, der mit Wut tobt und sie von der restlichen Welt abschneidet.

Dunkel-komischer Einwurf: Als sie versucht, auf ihrem Handy um Hilfe zu rufen, schüttelt die Bergsteigerin frustriert den Kopf. “Typisch”, denkt sie, “gerade wenn man sein Handy am meisten braucht, gibt es in den Bergen keinen Empfang.” Sie schaut zum Himmel auf, “Komm schon, Wettergötter, könnt ihr mir nicht eine Pause geben?”

Sie kämpft sich weiter durch die stürmischen Bedingungen, erträgt den prasselnden Regen und das heulende Winden und drängt unentwegt zum Wagner Festival.

Akt 2 Nach Tagen des Kampfes gegen den Sturm erreicht unsere Bergsteigerin schließlich ihr Ziel, das Richard Wagner Festival. Sie nimmt ihren Platz im Publikum ein, erschöpft und zugleich berauscht. Als die Musik zu spielen beginnt, wird sie vom Glanz der Aufführung mitgerissen. Aber dann schlägt das Unglück zu: ein großer Felsbrocken stürzt von der Berghöhe herab und trifft sie schwer, schwer verwundet.

Trotz der Schmerzen sammelt sie all ihre Kraft, um weiterhin die Aufführung zu verfolgen, getrieben von ihrer Leidenschaft für Wagners Musik. Am Ende, als der letzte Ton der Oper erklingt, bricht die Bergsteigerin auf der Bühne zusammen.

Dunkel-komischer Einwurf: Inmmitten des Chaos des Moments hantiert ein Mann im Publikum mit seiner Tasche und versucht, etwas Wichtiges herauszunehmen. “Komm schon, Reißverschluss, versag mir jetzt nicht”, murmelt er vor sich hin. Er zieht fester, aber die Tasche bewegt sich nicht. “Typisch”, murmelt er.

Akt 3 Im Jenseits reflektiert die Bergsteigerin über ihr Leben und ihre Leidenschaft für die Berge. Sie erinnert sich an den Nervenkitzel des Kletterns und die Schönheit der Natur um sie herum. Sie ist zufrieden, weil sie das Leben gelebt hat, das sie am meisten liebte, trotz des tragischen Endes, das ihr widerfahren ist.

Als sie sich auf ihre letzte Reise vorbereitet, wird sie von Wagner selbst begleitet, der sie zum Licht führt.

Dunkel-komischer Einwurf: Als die beiden Gestalten zum Himmel aufsteigen, kämpft ein Techniker damit, die Nebelmaschine für einen dramatischen Effekt zu aktivieren. Er hämmert frustriert auf die Maschine und sagt: “Komm schon, Nebelmaschine, arbeite mit mir hier!” Er seufzt resigniert, als die Maschine endlich anspringt. “Typisch”, murmelt er.

Die geisterhafte Bergsteigerin und Wagner steigen höher und höher, bis sie den Gipfel des Himmels erreichen. Die Bergsteigerin schaut hinunter auf die irdische Welt, die sie einst kannte. Sie erinnert sich an die Herausforderungen, denen sie begegnet ist, und an die Schönheit, die sie erlebt hat, und sie fühlt sich in Frieden.

Als sie weiter aufsteigen, werden die beiden von einem Engelchor begrüßt, der ein Loblied der Ehrfurcht und Verehrung singt. Die Musik ist so schön, dass es der Bergsteigerin die Tränen in die Augen treibt.

Dunkel-komischer Einwurf: Während die Engel singen, niest einer von ihnen laut und unterbricht die Musik. Die anderen Engel schauen ihn verärgert an, und er entschuldigt sich verlegen. “Typisch”, sagt er, “gerade wenn man schön singen will, fängt die Nase an zu laufen.”

Die Bergsteigerin und Wagner steigen weiter auf und erreichen schließlich den Gipfel des Himmels. Die Bergsteigerin schaut auf die atemberaubende Aussicht und empfindet eine Ehrfurcht und ein Staunen, das sie noch nie zuvor empfunden hat.

Als der Vorhang auf dieses tragische und schöne Märchen fällt, bleibt dem Publikum eine Mischung aus Traurigkeit und Ehrfurcht. Die Musik von Wagner schwebt in der Luft, unvergesslich und schön, eine würdige Hommage an ein Leben voller Leidenschaft und Mut.


Emoji AI Stories #8: 🦑

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @oversoul_7 X OpenAI X Automatic1111

Initial prompt: Tell a mythical story in the form of a limerick, as told by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, based on the following Emoji and topic: 🦑 Nostalgia for a time you’ve never known

A good amount of shaping and reprompting, some minor direct edits, and a bucket of monkeys made this one a blast to craft! 😂 Enjoy!

The Mollusk Belt Memoir

Well now, my dear grandchildren, come gather ’round,

And I’ll tell you a tale that’s quite profound,

Of a time long ago, a land far away,

Where I battled a beast, in a Squared-Circle way.

It was a giant squid, so massive and strong,

Its tentacles could stretch out so long,

And its eyes glowed like fire, with a fierce desire,

To crush all who dared to approach it with ire.

But I was a warrior, strong and bold,

With WWE moves, I’d soon unfold,

I started with a headlock, so tight and firm,

And then a body slam, it was quite the term.

The squid fought back, with all its might,

Its tentacles flailing, it was quite the sight,

But I dodged and weaved, with lightning speed,

And then a suplex, it was a great deed.

But the fight was not yet over, oh no,

For the squid had one more trick to show,

It wrapped its tentacles around me tight,

And squeezed with all its monstrous might!

I struggled and fought, with all my strength,

But it seemed the squid had me at length,

But then I remembered a move so fine,

A finishing blow, that would make it all mine.

I gathered all my strength, and then I rose,

With a mighty roar, I dealt the final blows,

I lifted the squid up, high in the air,

And then a pile driver, it was quite the dare.

The squid fell to the ground, with a mighty crash!

And I stood triumphant, it was quite the bash,

And that, my dear grandchildren, is the tale I tell,

Of a time long ago, when I battled a beast so well.

Now, I know it may sound embellished and grand,

But that’s how stories are told in this land,

And though the details may be somewhat obscure,

The message remains true, of strength and valour, for sure.

Emoji AI Stories #7: ❤️‍🔥

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @oversoul_7 X OpenAI X Automatic1111

Initial Prompt: Write a story about a snowman and his quest to survive a trip to see the great pyramid of Giza, and use the following emoji and phrase as inspiration: ❤️‍🔥 I’m in love with how your soul is a mix of chaos and art

This one took a fair amount of reprompting and tweaking. Kiki was added much later than the initial prompt, and still didn’t turn out as specific as I would have liked them to be. That being said, I’m still about to cry after reading this. Good luck, and enjoy!

“Melting Dreams and Companionship”

Once upon a time, in the snowy Swiss Alps, there was a snowman named Casper. He had heard of the Great Pyramid of Giza and had always dreamed of seeing it in person. Despite the fact that he was made of snow, Casper was determined to make his dream come true.

Casper began his journey, rolling himself down the snowy hills and across the Swiss countryside. As he traveled, he encountered a little bird who introduced himself as Kiki. Kiki had flown all the way from Egypt and had never seen a snowman before. He was curious about Casper and offered to accompany him on his journey.

Together, Casper and Kiki traveled across Europe, through bustling cities, across oceans, and into the scorching Egyptian desert. Casper faced many challenges on his journey, including the risk of melting in the hot sun. Kiki used his knowledge of the area to help Casper find shade and stay cool.

One day, Casper encountered a deep chasm that he couldn’t cross. He was worried that he would never be able to continue his journey to see the Great Pyramid of Giza. But Kiki had an idea. He flew off and returned with a long piece of rope, which he used to create a makeshift bridge. Casper was able to cross safely, thanks to Kiki’s quick thinking.

As they continued their journey, Casper and Kiki developed a deep bond of friendship. They shared stories, sang songs, and marveled at the beauty of the world around them. Finally, after a long and treacherous journey, they arrived at the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Casper was in awe of its magnificence and beauty. However, as he was admiring the view, he felt himself starting to melt. He knew he couldn’t stay for long. Casper and Kiki sat beneath the pyramid, watching as the sun began to set. Casper knew that it was time to say goodbye to his little bird friend.

Kiki was sad to hear this, and he wished that there was something he could do to help his friend. As the night drew on, Casper began to melt away, leaving only a small puddle where he had once stood. Kiki stayed with him until the very end, singing a beautiful song to comfort him.

Casper closed his eyes, feeling grateful for the friendship he had made and the beauty he had seen. Kiki watched as the last of the snowman melted away, leaving only memories of their journey together. He sang a song in remembrance of his dear friend, and as the sun rose over the Great Pyramid of Giza, he flew away into the sky, feeling both sad and beautiful.

❤️‍🔥 I’m in love with how your soul is a mix of chaos and art, Casper,” Kiki sang softly, knowing that his friend could no longer hear him.

Emoji AI Stories #6: 🔥👁️🚀

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @TrippyBlu23 X OpenAI X Automatic1111

ChatGPT Prompt: Write a story about a daydreaming accountant who lives in Dublin, and give him a secret, unfulfilled desire. Also use these emojis as inspiration in the story: 🔥👁️🚀

Wow! No reprompts for this one! Good premise, I guess!? Enjoy!

Dublinite Space Odyssey

Cian was an accountant, but he wasn’t your typical number cruncher. He had a vivid imagination and often found himself daydreaming about fantastical worlds, exciting adventures, and daring feats. He lived in Dublin, but his mind often took him to far-off galaxies, where he was a space explorer on a mission to save humanity.

During the day, Cian worked at a small accounting firm in the city center. He was diligent and hardworking, but his thoughts often wandered, and he would find himself staring out the window, lost in his daydreams. His colleagues often teased him about his flights of fancy, but Cian didn’t mind. He knew that his imagination was his greatest asset, and he was determined to make his dreams a reality.

Cian had a secret desire, one that he had kept hidden for years. He longed to be a space explorer, to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe and discover new worlds. He had always been fascinated by space, and he spent many nights gazing up at the stars, wondering what secrets lay hidden in the depths of the cosmos.

One day, as Cian was sitting at his desk, lost in thought, he noticed a strange symbol etched into the wood of his desk. It was a simple design, a circle with a dot in the center, but it seemed to be glowing with an otherworldly energy. Cian couldn’t take his eyes off it, and he felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach.

👁️ As he stared at the symbol, he saw a vision of a spaceship hurtling through space, flames 🔥 licking at its hull as it raced towards a distant planet. He saw himself at the helm, piloting the ship with skill and precision, his heart racing with excitement.

🚀 Suddenly, the symbol began to glow brighter, and Cian felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. Without thinking, he reached out and touched the symbol, and in an instant, he was transported to a strange, alien world.

Cian looked around in wonder, taking in the vibrant colors and strange creatures that surrounded him. He felt a sense of exhilaration and fear, all mixed together in a heady cocktail of emotion. This was what he had always dreamed of, and now it was a reality.

But even as Cian reveled in his new surroundings, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. He had achieved his greatest desire, but it wasn’t enough. There was still something he longed for, something that he couldn’t quite put into words.

As he explored this strange new world, Cian realized what he had been searching for all along. It wasn’t just the thrill of adventure that he craved, but the sense of purpose that came with it. He wanted to use his skills and his imagination to make a difference, to help others and to make the world a better place.

And so, Cian returned to Dublin, ready to put his talents to use in a new way. He started volunteering at a local charity, using his accounting skills to help them with their finances. It wasn’t as glamorous as traveling through space, but it was just as important, and Cian knew that he was making a difference.

🔥 In the end, Cian learned that sometimes, the greatest adventures were the ones that happened right here on Earth. And he was grateful for the chance to live out his dreams, both in his imagination and in reality.

Emoji AI Stories #5: 😊💚😂

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @thenftherapist X OpenAI X Automatic1111

ChatGPT Prompt: Write a story that is set in Tsarist Russia, about a father and son who go on a journey to visit a long lost relative, using these three emojis as inspiration: 😊💚😂

Quite a few reprompts for this one. Pretty dry at first, but when I asked for it it include a funny horse sidekick, it rounded itself out. Enjoy!

Journey with Sasha: Finding Family Roots

It was the year 1905, and the small village of Pechory in Tsarist Russia was buzzing with excitement. Ivan and his son, Dimitri, had received word that their long-lost relative, Nikolai, was still alive and living in a small cottage in the neighboring village of Kholuy.

Dimitri couldn’t contain his happiness at the news, and his father’s smile widened at the sight of his son’s cheerful expression 😊. They quickly packed their belongings and set out on a three-day journey to reach Nikolai’s house, bringing along their trusty horse, whom they named Sasha.

As they rode through the rolling hills and dense forests, Sasha proved to be a reliable companion, carrying them through tough terrain with ease. Dimitri couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the countryside and the different flora and fauna they encountered 💚, while Ivan was grateful for this time away from the city and happy to spend quality time with his son.

But traveling with Sasha was not always easy. On the first day of their journey, Sasha got spooked by a loud noise and took off at a gallop, with Ivan and Dimitri clinging on for dear life. When Sasha finally slowed down, Dimitri let out a nervous laugh and exclaimed, “I don’t think Sasha likes surprises!” 😂

Later that day, they came across a river where Sasha took a long drink. As he lifted his head, he let out a loud burp, causing Dimitri to burst out laughing. “I guess Sasha’s been eating too many apples!” he joked, and Ivan chuckled along with him.

Finally, after three days of travel, they arrived at Nikolai’s cottage in Kholuy. He was an elderly man with a warm smile and sparkling blue eyes. His wrinkled face lit up as he welcomed Ivan and Dimitri inside 😊. Nikolai was shorter than Ivan and had a full head of white hair that reached down to his shoulders.

As they sat around the table, sharing stories and catching up, Sasha rested outside, happy to have reached their destination. Dimitri giggled as he watched Sasha’s belly rise and fall with each snore, and Ivan couldn’t help but smile at his son’s infectious joy 😂.

On the last day of their visit, they packed up their belongings, including Sasha, who seemed to be in better spirits after a good night’s rest. As they bid farewell to Nikolai and the village of Kholuy, Dimitri hugged his great-uncle tightly, promising to visit again soon.

Ivan and Dimitri climbed onto Sasha’s back, ready for the long journey home. As they rode along, Dimitri leaned over and whispered in Sasha’s ear, “Thanks for the adventure, Sasha. You’re the best horse a boy could ask for!” And with that, they rode off into the distance, Sasha’s hooves pounding against the ground and the wind in their faces 💚😊😂.

Emoji AI Stories #4: 🧠💀🪦

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @Creati0exnihil0 X OpenAI X Automatic1111

ChatGPT Prompt: Write a series of journal entries that tell a story of friendship, redemption, and cupcakes, set on a distant alien world using the following emojis as inspiration: 🧠💀🪦

A couple of reprompts got me here. Enjoy!

Friendship, Guilt, and Cupcakes on an Alien Planet

Entry 1 🧠:

Today marks my first day on the planet Astra, and I can already tell it’s going to be a wild ride. I’m here on a mission to study the local flora and fauna, and my new colleague, Klex, has been assigned to show me the ropes. Klex is a bit intimidating at first glance, with his tall, skeletal frame and cold, calculating demeanor. But as we worked together, I could see he had a brilliant mind and a passion for science. I think we’re going to make a great team.

Entry 2 💀:

Things took a turn for the worse today. While out on a survey, Klex and I stumbled upon a graveyard of sorts, filled with bones of all shapes and sizes. Klex grew quiet and somber as he explained the history of this place. It was a battlefield from a long-forgotten war that left countless casualties. Klex had fought on the losing side and carried a heavy burden of guilt and shame. He was once a soldier who believed in the cause he was fighting for, but now he saw the error of his ways. My heart went out to him, and I vowed to be a supportive friend.

Entry 3 🪦:

I wanted to do something special for Klex to lift his spirits, so I decided to bake him some cupcakes. Cupcakes were a delicacy on my home planet, and I had brought the ingredients and tools necessary for the recipe. I invited Klex to my quarters and presented him with a tray of freshly baked cupcakes. His eyes lit up with delight, and he took a bite, savoring the flavor.

As we chatted over the cupcakes, Klex began to open up to me about his past. He had been a soldier in a long-forgotten war that had ravaged Astra decades ago. Klex fought for the losing side, and the guilt of the atrocities committed by his comrades weighed heavily on his mind. He had seen his fellow soldiers commit terrible acts of violence against innocent civilians, and he had been powerless to stop them.

After the war ended, Klex left the military and became a scientist, hoping to make amends for the damage he had caused. But he still carried the weight of his past mistakes and struggled with feelings of shame and regret. The sight of the bones in the graveyard we had come across earlier had triggered these emotions in him.

As Klex spoke, I could see the pain etched on his face, and my heart went out to him. I listened intently, offering words of comfort and understanding. It was a heartfelt moment of connection, and I knew that our friendship was solidifying.

Entry 4 🧁:

Klex and I have become fast friends, and our work together has been going smoothly. We even found a new species of plant that we named after our favorite cupcake flavor: chocolate mint. Klex has been more relaxed and open lately, and we’ve had many more moments of laughter and camaraderie. I’m so grateful for his friendship and the cupcakes that brought us together. Who knew that a simple dessert could have such a profound impact on two alien beings?

Entry 5 🌟:

Today, Klex surprised me with a special gift. He had created a beautiful crystal sculpture of a cupcake, which he said was a token of our friendship. I was touched by his thoughtfulness and the effort he had put into the gift. We both agreed that our collaboration had been a success, and we were excited to continue exploring the wonders of Astra together.

As I write this, I realize that friendship truly knows no bounds, whether it’s between two beings from different planets or two former enemies. Klex and I have come a long way from our initial meeting, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have met him. He has taught me so much about the planet and its inhabitants, and I have learned valuable lessons about forgiveness and redemption.

I am proud to call Klex my friend and colleague, and I look forward to many more adventures with him on this strange and beautiful world. Who knows what discoveries we will make or what challenges we will face, but I know that we will face them together, with cupcakes in hand and hearts full of friendship.

Emoji AI Stories #3: 🙏🏽🌸🦋

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @JimmyLeafTender X OpenAI X Automatic1111

ChatGPT Prompt: Write a tragic tale of a minor league baseball player who never quite made it to the big leagues, due to his self-destructive stone polishing habit, using the following emojis as inspiration: 🙏🏽🌸🦋

This one took a good deal of reprompting to get it where I needed to be. Enjoy!

“The Cost of Obsession: A Tale of Addiction and Lost Dreams”

🌸 Once upon a time, there was a minor league baseball player named Jack. He had a passion for the sport, but he also had a secret addiction that was destroying his life. Jack was addicted to polishing stones and spent all his free time collecting and perfecting them.

🦋 Jack’s addiction took over his life, and he neglected his baseball training, missed important games, and isolated himself from his teammates and loved ones. Jack’s coaches and teammates tried to help him, but he refused to admit he had a problem.

🌸 One day, Jack received news that he had been offered a spot on a major league team. He was overjoyed and felt like all his hard work had finally paid off.

🦋 But Jack’s addiction had grown too strong. He was so consumed with polishing stones that he forgot about his training, missed his flight to join the team, and lost his spot.

🌸 Jack’s addiction had ruined his chance of making it to the big leagues, and he felt like his world had ended. He retreated into himself, spending all his time polishing stones and never realizing the potential he had as a baseball player.

🦋 One day, while out for a walk, Jack saw a butterfly land on a flower. It was a small moment, but it reminded him of the beauty he had lost in his life. He realized that his addiction had destroyed everything he had worked for, and he had nothing left to live for.

🙏🏽 As I tell you the tragic tale of Jack, I pray that you will learn from his mistakes and avoid the trap of addiction. May you find the strength to seek help if you ever find yourself struggling with addiction and may you never lose sight of the beauty and potential that life has to offer.

Emoji AI Stories #2: 🌑🧚🏿‍♀️🦉

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @enoserwaax X OpenAI X Automatic1111

ChatGPT Prompt: Please write a gritty detective drama, set in the wilderness around Poughkeepsie, written for a french citizen, using the following emojis as inspiration: 🌑🧚🏿🦉

Title: The Dark Moon’s Secrets

Act 1: The wilderness around Poughkeepsie is cast in darkness, lit only by the faint light of the waning moon 🌑. Detective Jones, a no-nonsense investigator, steps out of her car, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. As she walks, she catches a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turns, and there, standing before her, is a dark-skinned fairy 🧚🏿.

The fairy introduces herself as Luminia and explains that she has been sent to help Jones with her investigation. Jones is skeptical but decides to give the fairy the benefit of the doubt. Together, they set off into the darkness, their path illuminated by Luminia’s magical glow.

As they delve deeper into the wilderness, Jones and Luminia uncover evidence of a dark and mysterious cult. They realize that the murders they have been investigating are connected to this cult and that they must act quickly to stop them.

Act 2: However, the investigation takes a strange turn when Luminia reveals that she has a connection to the cult. Jones is shocked and unsure if she can trust the fairy. But Luminia insists that she can help and leads Jones to a hidden lair where the cult is holding their ceremonies.

Jones and Luminia sneak into the cult’s lair and witness a horrifying ritual. They realize that the cult is summoning a powerful entity, one that could bring about the end of the world. Jones knows that they must act quickly to stop the cult before it’s too late.

To their horror, they discover that the cult’s rituals are connected to a specific Gaulish folk tale, a story that Jones has never heard of before. Luminia explains that it is a tale that is well-known in France but is not often told outside of the country. She shares with Jones the story of the god Cernunnos, a powerful deity who was said to be able to grant wishes to those who offered him the right sacrifice.

Jones realizes that the cult is attempting to summon Cernunnos and that they must stop them before it’s too late. With Luminia’s guidance and magical powers, they prepare for a final showdown with the cult and their dark god.

Act 3: In a thrilling climax, Jones and Luminia face off against the cult and their summoned entity. It’s a battle for the fate of the world, and with Luminia’s magic and Jones’ determination, they are able to emerge victorious.

But the victory is not without cost. Luminia reveals that her connection to the cult was not a coincidence – she was once a member, but she left when she realized the true nature of their beliefs. She had hoped to stop the cult on her own but realized that she needed Jones’ help.

Jones is shocked by Luminia’s revelation but knows that she can’t judge the fairy for her past. She thanks Luminia for her help and offers her a place on her team, knowing that the fairy’s magical abilities could prove invaluable in future investigations.

Epilogue: As Jones drives back to civilization, she can’t help but think about the dark and mysterious world that she has just encountered. She reflects on Luminia’s words about the folk tale of Cernunnos and realizes that there is so much she still has to learn.

She makes a mental note to research the story further, determined to gain a better understanding of the ancient mythology that has influenced the cult’s beliefs and actions. She knows that this knowledge will be valuable in her future investigations, especially if she encounters similar situations in the future.

As she drives into the distance, she catches a glimpse of the dark moon

Illustrations rendered by, processed in python.