Emoji AI Stories #8: 🦑

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @oversoul_7 X OpenAI X Automatic1111

Initial prompt: Tell a mythical story in the form of a limerick, as told by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, based on the following Emoji and topic: 🦑 Nostalgia for a time you’ve never known

A good amount of shaping and reprompting, some minor direct edits, and a bucket of monkeys made this one a blast to craft! 😂 Enjoy!

The Mollusk Belt Memoir

Well now, my dear grandchildren, come gather ’round,

And I’ll tell you a tale that’s quite profound,

Of a time long ago, a land far away,

Where I battled a beast, in a Squared-Circle way.

It was a giant squid, so massive and strong,

Its tentacles could stretch out so long,

And its eyes glowed like fire, with a fierce desire,

To crush all who dared to approach it with ire.

But I was a warrior, strong and bold,

With WWE moves, I’d soon unfold,

I started with a headlock, so tight and firm,

And then a body slam, it was quite the term.

The squid fought back, with all its might,

Its tentacles flailing, it was quite the sight,

But I dodged and weaved, with lightning speed,

And then a suplex, it was a great deed.

But the fight was not yet over, oh no,

For the squid had one more trick to show,

It wrapped its tentacles around me tight,

And squeezed with all its monstrous might!

I struggled and fought, with all my strength,

But it seemed the squid had me at length,

But then I remembered a move so fine,

A finishing blow, that would make it all mine.

I gathered all my strength, and then I rose,

With a mighty roar, I dealt the final blows,

I lifted the squid up, high in the air,

And then a pile driver, it was quite the dare.

The squid fell to the ground, with a mighty crash!

And I stood triumphant, it was quite the bash,

And that, my dear grandchildren, is the tale I tell,

Of a time long ago, when I battled a beast so well.

Now, I know it may sound embellished and grand,

But that’s how stories are told in this land,

And though the details may be somewhat obscure,

The message remains true, of strength and valour, for sure.

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