Emoji AI Stories #2: πŸŒ‘πŸ§šπŸΏβ€β™€οΈπŸ¦‰

Collaboration between @MadGradDad X @enoserwaax X OpenAI X Automatic1111

ChatGPT Prompt: Please write a gritty detective drama, set in the wilderness around Poughkeepsie, written for a french citizen, using the following emojis as inspiration: πŸŒ‘πŸ§šπŸΏπŸ¦‰

Title: The Dark Moon’s Secrets

Act 1: The wilderness around Poughkeepsie is cast in darkness, lit only by the faint light of the waning moon πŸŒ‘. Detective Jones, a no-nonsense investigator, steps out of her car, her eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of danger. As she walks, she catches a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turns, and there, standing before her, is a dark-skinned fairy 🧚🏿.

The fairy introduces herself as Luminia and explains that she has been sent to help Jones with her investigation. Jones is skeptical but decides to give the fairy the benefit of the doubt. Together, they set off into the darkness, their path illuminated by Luminia’s magical glow.

As they delve deeper into the wilderness, Jones and Luminia uncover evidence of a dark and mysterious cult. They realize that the murders they have been investigating are connected to this cult and that they must act quickly to stop them.

Act 2: However, the investigation takes a strange turn when Luminia reveals that she has a connection to the cult. Jones is shocked and unsure if she can trust the fairy. But Luminia insists that she can help and leads Jones to a hidden lair where the cult is holding their ceremonies.

Jones and Luminia sneak into the cult’s lair and witness a horrifying ritual. They realize that the cult is summoning a powerful entity, one that could bring about the end of the world. Jones knows that they must act quickly to stop the cult before it’s too late.

To their horror, they discover that the cult’s rituals are connected to a specific Gaulish folk tale, a story that Jones has never heard of before. Luminia explains that it is a tale that is well-known in France but is not often told outside of the country. She shares with Jones the story of the god Cernunnos, a powerful deity who was said to be able to grant wishes to those who offered him the right sacrifice.

Jones realizes that the cult is attempting to summon Cernunnos and that they must stop them before it’s too late. With Luminia’s guidance and magical powers, they prepare for a final showdown with the cult and their dark god.

Act 3: In a thrilling climax, Jones and Luminia face off against the cult and their summoned entity. It’s a battle for the fate of the world, and with Luminia’s magic and Jones’ determination, they are able to emerge victorious.

But the victory is not without cost. Luminia reveals that her connection to the cult was not a coincidence – she was once a member, but she left when she realized the true nature of their beliefs. She had hoped to stop the cult on her own but realized that she needed Jones’ help.

Jones is shocked by Luminia’s revelation but knows that she can’t judge the fairy for her past. She thanks Luminia for her help and offers her a place on her team, knowing that the fairy’s magical abilities could prove invaluable in future investigations.

Epilogue: As Jones drives back to civilization, she can’t help but think about the dark and mysterious world that she has just encountered. She reflects on Luminia’s words about the folk tale of Cernunnos and realizes that there is so much she still has to learn.

She makes a mental note to research the story further, determined to gain a better understanding of the ancient mythology that has influenced the cult’s beliefs and actions. She knows that this knowledge will be valuable in her future investigations, especially if she encounters similar situations in the future.

As she drives into the distance, she catches a glimpse of the dark moon

Illustrations rendered by https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui, processed in python.

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