N(Ai)ggy – Stable Diffusion Prototypes: Iteration 5.X (duds? getting weird!)

Setup for N(Ai)ggy Iteration 5.whatever:

  • Just wow… where have we gone? I think I’m in a bit deep. Not even going to post the specific prompts/details. In part, because the pics above are from two different generations, but not even all of those that I have done since Iteration 5. I have gotten Stan Lee as a pirate, Rembrandt as a pirate, Picasso as a pirate… but I finally figure out why.

For the artist style cues, it makes a big difference if you include ‘by’ for the artist, rather than just the artist’s name, so ‘by Rembrandt’, ‘by Picasso’, ‘by Stan Lee’. Also, I think I am having too many style studio cues… clearly, the minion influence is strong (min-fluence?).

Don’t get me wrong, this is incredibly entertaining! But it’s not the direction I want to go as I continue to search for #NAiGGY in this oceanic virtual frontier of madness… at this point I am not even trying for the eyepatch.

On that note, I am learning about ‘inpainting’ techniques. I have an iPad that I have used for Procreate a lot, and I have begun using it to augment some pics, to attempt to add specific features to the bird. My next post will show some of how ‘inpaining’ works, and what is/isn’t working. See you then!

Here a cute standout! And he even has a belt!

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