My “UnRuggable Mindset”: Why I Give Zero Fucks if #FatRatMafia is a Con

The last 24 hours of Twitter have been filled with the intense buzz about @MISTFITSPROJ rugging… are they? what is going on?

There is confusion about who is in charge, and where the ETH is. As a non-hodling outsider I don’t have a stake in it, but all I can tell is that a lot of people are upset and scared about their digital property losing value. Many people in the Twitter Web3/NFT space are really only here for personal monetary gain, and it’s very sad to watch. Especially when they get duped so hard.

But there is a better, healthier way to approach NFT projects and communities: Cultivate an “UnRuggable Mindset”.

Love him or hate him, @GaryVee is a powerhouse in the NFT space. Some people think he’s a hack. Other people (like me) think he’s the real deal. I would argue that regardless of your stance, his perspective is worth examining critically to figure out where you agree and disagree with him. He is frequently asked questions like…

”How much money should I put into crypto/NFTs?”

To which he typically answers,

“As much as possible…

…(long pause for effect)…

… that you can afford to go to zero.”

I have taken this approach, and it is proving to be an effective way to have fun in the Web3 space, without taking foolish risks that would jeopardize my family or my way of life.

When you are in it for the people, rather than for the profit, you are no longer vulnerable to the crushing disappointment that comes in the wake of major drops in value of digital property.

Blockchain technologies are in their infancy, and we are all still figuring out the economics of it all. In this Wild Wild Web3 West, bad actors are taking advantage of people who get their hopes up about the projects they ‘invest’ to ‘go to the moon’, and they literally bank on striking it rich on NFTs. That’s all good in fun, but it’s far too common than is healthy.

People though… people and relationships are always worth investing in. And a rogue project (maybe like @MISTFITSPROJ?) cannot rug them from you.

For the last 18 months, I have watched the NFT craze rage from afar. I did not get in to any NFT communities until within the last month when I jumped all-in with the #FatRatMafia . So far it’s been a blast!

I am all about making connections in mental health circles on Twitter, and that’s how I found #FatRatMafia. They host a space that is under the wide umbrella that is the #MentalHealthCollective, for #MentalHealthMonday, which was good enough for me to keep showing up for a few weeks in a row. Many NFT projects will tout that they care about mental health, but every space they host is really just another shill sesh, laid on thick.

#FatRatMafia’s mental health spaces have not been like that. The conversations are wide-ranging and deep, which speaks to the strength of the group.

Now… are my good feelings a guarantee that the community will last? Or is it an indication of monetary value growth? Not at all. Only time will tell.

Here is another reason to respect what the #FatRatMafia does… For a moment, let’s assume that it IS all a con: its execution is fucking flawless.

If the #FatRatMafia were to betray and backstab their family, what would be more on brand for a fucking MAFIA? If we do all get rugged, I have had a blast watching these professionals do their cloak-and-dagger dirty work. I regularly pay for fickle entertainment, and so do we all. So if this is a long con it’s a hell of good one and it is fucking fun to watch.

Let’s say that the sewer is drained, ‘The Don’ takes the ETH and runs… I have already received massive returns in my own positive social value from the relationships that I have made from within the community. Value that is locked tightly in my heart’s safe. Invulnerable. Unruggable.

Here are a few of the #FatRatMafia insiders, and how they have added value to my life:

“R!TA” (@thegodmother27) – Runs a book club on Sundays, and participates or co-hosts about 100 other spaces throughout the week. She’s always guiding the discussion in a way that provides insight and that builds others up.

“Disc” (@DiscGolfDegen) – Runs the mental health space on Mondays. As many know, mental health conversations are really all I am here for (maybe ad nauseam). The #MentalHealthMonday space attracts quality speakers, and covers helpful topics with a genuine intent to improve the lives of others. He also runs a ton of silly spaces that are fun, and we all need some fun in our lives.

“Laluzi” (@LaluziTheFirst) – Frontloads trust in others for the sake of growing the pack. Supported me as I descended into the sewers. A Rat of his word.

Outside of the #FatRatMafia itself, my association with them has also lead me to these awesome people from elsewhere in the Twitterverse:

@BigBen – A father of 4 who has a daughter in chemo. By sharing his story, he has shown so much strength in his vulnerability. I hope that he can get support from the community as he continues facing the challenges of being a loving parent and caretaker. Sharing a deeply personal story like his is such an inspiration.

@Aurelius – A writer who is leading conversations about the major players in the web3 scene and making it a better place by featuring projects that have shown themselves to be worth paying attention to.

@PharaohCarlis, who goes by “Lucky” –  A fellow #Veteran with a mission to help others. He is connected to the #FisherHouse charity that provides temporary housing to wounded veterans’ families as they are in recovery.

@MeliMakesMoney – Another player in the #Veteran support arena. She has a heart for those touched by heartbreaking stories of service member and veteran suicide.

…and many others!

Are these people, who I have connected with in meaningful ways outside of fatratmafia spaces, ALL cons? …I can’t prove that they are not…

But again, the conversations that I have had with them have given me inspiration and hope. Knowing them has improved my life and mental wellbeing.

Too many in the Web3 NFT space are truly only here for one reason: blind greed. Some may not even recognize it, until things go south, and they lash out at the founders or team, rather than examine how their actions and mindset put them into such a vulnerable position. The only reason they are here is to take a fat cash-out when they exit. All they care about is finding treasures in their bag when it’s all over…

But for people like me with an “UnRuggable Mindset”, here’s the true Alpha: The real treasures are the friends we meet along the way.


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