Daylio helped me manage my bipolar neurodiversity this month… the WHOLE (crazy) month!!!

I am terrible at keeping journals. I am terrible at logging my actions or moods or ANYTHING, for more than 2 weeks… which is why I am amazed today. Today, I logged my 31st entry on the Daylio app and I am proud of myself. First because I have tried and failed in the past, but also second and more importantly it helped me track a severe manic episode (my fifth) and my ongoing recovery. Here is what I was able to capture in my tracking:

You may notice that I am ‘RAD’ today, on the 31st… because I am! I have a lot to celebrate! I have exercised every day of the month (closed my rings too @Apple!). Connected with friends. Created artwork. Written. Spent time with my family each day and each week of January. That is something to be RAD about! Especially RAD is that I can look at all of my successes over the last month, and remember each of them… AND… WAIT!!!


Well, you may remember that I said that I had a manic episode this month (well, not really ‘had had’, because I am still recovering, but just take the ride). That red dip is when I was manic.

On the 12th of January, I knew something was wrong. I slept poorly, I couldn’t focus, my thoughts raced, my skin… ‘itched’ (kinda), sounds were grating and loud… all the signs that I have learned to recognize were there. That was the start of it, then it got worse before it got better. But I logged my mood, and my actions each day.

I did not do it alone. Alone, I would still be manic.

It was through the hard work of my family, my long-time professional psychologist and psychiatrist, and my network of social support for me to crawl back to being functional and maybe… 90% stable (remember, still in recovery). Also, something that helped me was tracking my mood, and Daylio helped me do it.

This data will help me and my family in the future!

The best preparations for future manic episodes are the lessons I and my family have learned from past episodes, and having this chart is exactly the kind of thing that I will be able to draw lessons from on my next manic episode… and that’s the thing, right? It’s not a question of IF I will have another manic episode, it is a matter of WHEN. So it is my responsibility to prepare for it! Daylio will help me do that.

Thanks Daylio!

…Also! I have a goal for February… can you guess what it is?

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